Conversations with Jonathan & Christa Threlfall

What Do You Do About Fake Christians?


Fake Christians have been around nearly as long as Christianity itself.

As early as the 1st century, Christian leaders warned about people whose faith claim was inauthentic. “They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works” (Titus 1:16). “Many deceivers have gone into the world” (2 John 7).

In this episode, Jonathan and Christa talk about the damage that can be inflicted by people who claim to follow Christ, but whose actions betray that claim.

The topic of “fake Christians” raises several key questions, including:

  • Can we ever know whether someone is truly a Christian?
  • What should churches do about people whose behavior consistently and publicly conflicts with how Jesus calls people to live?
  • How can people find help and clarity when they have been confused and hurt by the bad behavior of so-called Christians?

Listen to the full episode at the links below!

— episode Twenty-four —

What Do You Do About Fake Christians?