Hang on . . . Don’t go to church on Sunday?
OK, admittedly it’s a clickbait-y title, but hopefully it will help reinforce the overall point of this episode: *church is not just something you attend; it’s a family you are part of.
Clearly, the main gathering on Sunday morning should be a non-negotiable for every believer. But simply showing up is insufficient to operate as an integral part of a local church. Here’s a 56-second clip that explains our title:
In this episode, Jonathan and Christa discuss the dangers of simply “showing up” without being vitally connected to the body as a whole. They also talk about practical ways to get connected with other members in your church.
Listen to the full episode at the links below!
Church isn’t just something you attend; it’s a family you are part of.
Sources We Mentioned
- Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ is Essential by Hansen & Leeman

— episode Twenty —