Conversations with Jonathan & Christa Threlfall

Let’s Talk About Submission


“Wives . . . submit to your husbands?” Yes, that’s what the Bible instructs.

But in modern Western society, this Biblical instruction seems more and more far-fetched.

What does the Bible mean when it says this? Does this mean that wives must suppress their individual strengths? Concede to their husbands’ every wish?

In this episode, Jonathan and Christa explain how the New Testament’s teaching on husband-wife relationships will frustrate both “traditional” and “progressive” mindsets. Rather than being a repressive social code or a recipe for a “happy marriage,” the Bible’s teaching on submission stems from a radically new life controlled by the Spirit of Jesus. It subverts abusive power dynamics without devolving into chaos. It honors individual agency, upholds a family structure governed by love, and uniquely reflects the beauty of God’s character.

Listen to the full episode at the links below!


5 Realities of a Wife’s Submission in Marriage

Marriage: 6 Gospel Commitments Every Couple Needs to Make by Paul Tripp

The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God by Tim & Kathy Keller

The Meaning of Marriage Devotional

Relationships: A Mess Worth Making by Lane & Tripp

— episode Twenty-six —

Let’s Talk About Submission